Research and Teaching Unit for School Education, School Development and Experiential Learning
The Unit was newly established in 2009 and is the only one in Bavaria specifically dedicated to the training of secondary school teachers for the Bavarian „Mittelschule“.
Our research focuses on educational and school development research, promotion of key competences through action- and experience-oriented learning settings, dealing with heterogeneity and inclusion, emotions in learning and achievement situations as well as case-based learning in teacher training. We expand and differentiate the state of scientific knowledge in various areas through qualitative and quantitative empirical research. Our focus goes beyond school pedagogical and didactic research at middle school and encompasses other types of schools as well as other subject areas.
On the left side you will find all information on current research projects, such as „Classroom under Sail“ (KUS) or „Finding and promoting talent at secondary schools“ (TAFF).
We see our mission in preparing prospective secondary school teachers as comprehensively as possible for their future careers in a combined theory-practical training course. Our goal is to ensure that pedagogical theories of action and results of empirical research can be implemented promptly under the institutional and social conditions of school reality.
The focus of our teaching is on topics that are particularly relevant to this type of school, such as the promotion of personal and social skills, all-day schooling, inclusion, vocational orientation, media education and motivation. Application-oriented teaching methods such as case-based learning, project work and student coaching are used.